Julie Covington 2012

Here is a note from Julie Covington. Check her out!  covingtonpottery.com.

I'm so glad I finally got to come to this workshop!  I learned a lot and am excited to make my set-up.  Here are a couple of the pix - it's all cone 10 reduction - teapot is stoneware, 2012, cups are porcelain, 2012.  Teapot's going to Dobra I think and cups went today to the cup show @ Blue Spiral, so I reckon they're not really for sale from me anymore.

Also I'm in a show that just opened at Lark and Key in Charlotte if you're looking for more stuff to post on the blog!  Here's the link - http://larkandkey.com/exhibitions.php.  And Eric Knoche and I are both in the cup show at Blue Spiral, think it's up for another month - http://www.bluespiral1.com/currentx.htm.
