Manna Empty Bowls - looking for donations

A few quick things about our organization; MANNA supplies food to well over 200 partner organizations such as shelters, schools, and food pantries throughout 16 counties of WNC. Every dollar raised from your donation can help create up to three meals for the hungry in our area.

The details for the MANNA Foodbanks Empty Bowls are as follows:

For this event, we are asking for 10+ soup sized bowls but will gladly accept more or less. Specialty pieces are also appreciated. Attendees of the event will be able to select their bowl of choice and fill it with food donations from some of the area’s best restaurants.

Empty Bowls is taking place September 15th. We are asking for donations to be picked up or dropped off no later than Aug. 31st so that we may appropriately recognize artists. If you would like donations picked up we’d be happy to do so. Please contact me at earliest convenience for time arrangement. Pieces may be dropped off at two locations; Highwater Clay (600 Riverside Dr, Asheville, NC 28801) or The Village Potters (191 Lyman Street, #180 Asheville, NC 28801). Please be sure that works are labeled so that we may again give proper recognition. We will also need contact information to send a donation form used for your tax purposes.

Attached is a donation sheet that can be used to collect information about the artists including if picking up or dropping off.

Please contact me with any questions.

Thank you again for your interest in the work done at MANNA.

Best Regards,

Tracey Childers
