Knock, knock...

Hey guys, this looks like fun. Thanks for letting me post!
I went to lunch last week with Michael Kline and he told me about an e-mail he got from Ceramic Arts Daily. They were asking permission to feature one of his Youtube videos on their site. So when I got home I found the same e-mail. I said they could use it. After it posted, my website traffic went way up. You can also submit them if you don't do Youtube.
I've been spending a lot of time re-vamping my website lately. I'm teaching kiln building at App State this fall so I wanted to put a bunch of that stuff on there. I'm also working on a series of demo videos for my site. I put them on my Youtube then embedded them in my site. That's how CAD found it. Here's one I just finished last night. It's the 2nd one and I think it's a lot better than the first. Check it out and give me some feedback:
