FREE various magazines (near Penland NC)

Ian Meares left 3 small boxes of some old ceramic magazines, like Studio Potter, Ceramics Monthly, Sculpture, etc. Anyone want them??



Absolutely!!! I'll be happy to pay for shipping!!! TIA!
John Britt said…
Ok, what address? I can tell you how much first. Do you want all three boxes?
John Britt said…
What address ...then I will send the cost.
Lisa Hudgins said…
John, is there anyone up your way who still has an old fashioned slip casting business? I have a dozen or so plaster molds and some old Popular Ceramics magazines that I think would be great at a senior center or community center. Let me know if you think of anyone who might be interested in free slip casting stuff. I'll even deliver! 🚙
John Britt said…
Not sure about that?