Clay Club on Wednesday in Weaverville!

Hope everybody’s doing all right following Irma! Here are the details about September Clay Club - hope you can join us:

Clay Club is tomorrow at Mudhoneyz Studio in Weaverville!


When: 6-8 pm on Wednesday, September 13th

What: Missy Batten, LeElaine Comer and Molly Walter will talk about how they got together to form their studio; give a tour of their studio; talk about their Kickstarter project and how they fire, and what it’s like working together. Also possibly a throwing/brushwork/carving demo if there is interest/time.

We will have the usual potluck, so bring food to share. Clay Club is BYOB, so bring drink, too.

Parking is limited - carpool if you can. (There’s at least one car going from Mitchell County - let me know if you’re interested in joining us.) Directions and more details about carpooling and parking here:

See you tomorrow!
