Mastering Maiolica with Stan Andersen & Friends: September 21st-22nd

 Mastering Maiolica with Stan Andersen & Friends: September 21st-22nd

Discover the colorful world of Maiolica with master potter Stan Andersen who has been working in Majolica for over 40 years. Maiolica is the historical term used to describe the decorative technique of brushing colorful stains on top of an opaque, unfired white glaze. The outcome resembles water color on a ceramic surface. It is a process that was first developed in the Middle East to imitate Chinese porcelain.

Throughout the weekend, students will learn the process of applying the white maiolica glaze as well experiment with colored stains to apply color and imagery to their works. There will be ample time for discussion on traditional (low fire) and non-traditional (mid-fire) uses with this technique.

Students will fieldtrip to Stan’s studio where he will discuss the historical roots of this mysterious process. Stan’s demo will include his strategies of mark making, his approach to color, and how he develops depth on his surfaces. Students will watch an up close and personal demonstration on how to apply the overglaze colors and have the opportunity to ask questions from the master.

Our visit to Stan’s studio will include a unique opportunity to see the evolution of his work from the past to present. There will be ample time allotted to purchase his beautiful work! The day will culminate just up the road with a happy hour hosted by Liz Summerfield.

Fee: $275. This fee includes the workshop, materials provided by Double Island Studio, and a $20 non-refundable workshop fee.

Location: 2459 Double Island Rd, Green Mountain, NC 28740

Date & Time: September 21st 10am-5pm, September 22nd 10am-3pm
