Mary Ruth Webb Sculpture

"The Great Escape", Mary Ruth Webb, 6.5" x 5.5" x 3.5" , cone 10 stoneware with handmade paper, 2009.

Here is another workshop participant, Mary Ruth Webb. One of the nice things about the Digital Photo Workshop is that you see some amazing work and you realize how many talented pottery/sculptors there are out there that you don't know about!
John Britt


ang design said… piece..i don't suppose you'd consider some online workshops for the rest of us that can't get there??
John Britt said…

Not sure I can do it on-line??
ang design said…
maybe vid cam..? i guess it would be a challenge to set up though...
John Britt said…
You are just going to have to move!
John, you and Joy should write a book about photographing your own ceramic work! If not Lark Books, those University of Pennsylvania Press "Ceramic Handbooks" are nice too. Or even something more personal like the Lana Wilson "Shape and Surface" book! Folks who can't come to the class could still access the information, you two can spread the word and gain some additional income from the sales. Perhaps even it could even formatted to include media other than clay and thus be applicable to a wider audience. I bet much of the work is already done...... I have heard such great things about this particular workshop.
Anonymous said…
wonderful work by an old friend!