"Containment II" Excited yet ?

As you can imagine, we have received some really interesting work. I want to touch on a few to wet your appetite for the upcoming show. Lets start with Noah Ridel, Chapel Hill NC. Noah's work really impressed me because it's all about design which I particularly love in ceramics. Influenced by designers such as Alvar Aalto and Charles and Ray Eames, Noah has created three lidded pieces that beg to be touched and opened. A lid that you slide your hand into to remove and another that uses the influences of a coffee bean to form the handle of it's lid. These are standouts and are a must see. Another artist who's work I admire very much and was excited to receive is Judith Duff, from Brevard, NC. Judith created two wonderfully formed lidded houses that are very rich in form and surface. We asked Judith to elaborate on her entries to the show this year.

"In my past trips to Japan I have been inspired by Japanese architecture and also the lanterns found in their famous gardens. For several years I have been making large Toro's (Japanese Lanterns) and these new box forms were derived from my lanterns. They took on special meaning to me when, during their construction, the terrible earthquake and tsunami shattered the lives of the people of Japan. They are architectural in nature and are reminders of the thousands of homes and structures that were devestated in this disaster. Rather than holding light like the lanterns, these boxes hold hope and the promise of recovery. The treats that are inside the boxes hopefully represent a more optomistic future". - Judith Duff
"Containment II - the inside story" is a must see if your're in our area and, if your're not, just go to our website May 7th to view and purchase these one of a kind works. The website will also be introducing a new feature this year, a shopping cart feature that we have wanted to add for quite some time now. Bravo to our web designer Marsia Falcigno who worked hard to get this new feature up and running in time for this amazing show.
Coming up next on our Blog, Michael Kline and Stacy Lane, our featured exhibition for May and June, talk about their show and give us a glimpse of what to expect from this highly respected artist duo.
"Containment II - the inside story" opens to audiences May 7th at 10am both in the gallery and online. Artists Reception - May 7th as well 6pm. Mark your calendars collectors.
David Trophia