lost yummy satin black recipe

I had a recipe that I had affection for ... a low-fire matte black, I think it was "called" Lee's Black?
Lee's Satin Black? Does anyone know it? guidance much appreciated!


John Britt said…

The only thing I can find is Lee's Clear. Maybe with 8% black stain??

Lee's 03 Clear

gerstley bor. 26

neph sy 20

frit 3124 30

lithium carb 4

kaolin 10

flint 10

Good color response. Tends to craze.
Gluck said…
thanks JB!

actually found the torn piece o' paper late yesterday --
it was hiding.

it is a recipe I got studying with Holly Walker and Linda Casbon ... I'll check it when I am back at the studio to see how it compares.

you be da best!