Ian Meares / Red Lodge Show 2011
http://www.redlodgeclaycenter. com/lists.php?type=featured

Featured Artist
Ian Meares 
Inchoate [in-koh-it, -eyt]
1.not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary.
Employing familiar vehicles of cups and bowls, Ian Meares conjures alchemical surfaces . Surfaces with the ability to unnerve us in their resulting ambiguity--often referred to as a "rupture" by the artist. He calls this body of work Inchoate because it is in the beginning phases of conception and form. Linear marks retrace horizons of a grasp, (re)purposing the mark of the maker, as well as our understanding of landscape. And while his objects have the potential for cerebral philosophizing, it is equally challenging and rewarding to acquiesce, allowing the senses to explore and indulge in the depths of crystals and flow.