Peter Callas Lecture
We wanted to invite you to attend a lecture we are hosting on July 7 at 5pm by Peter Callas at the Historic Mitchell County Courthouse in downtown Bakersville, NC. The lecture will include an overview of Peter's 40 year career, his 23 year collaboration with Peter Voulkos and a discussion of our international exhibition of wood fired sculptural ceramics that opens on July 1. Andrew Glasgow, the retired executive director of the American Craft Council, will introduce Peter and offer opening remarks. The exhibition will feature fourteen artists from five countries and we have also included a functional element that features eight great potters. We will host a reception at the gallery after the lecture and we hope you will stop by and see the work.
Please forward this information to anyone that you think may have an interest in the lecture or the exhibition.
David Trophia and John Lara
Crimson Laurel Gallery
23 Crimson Laurel Way