Air Compressor Q

I need to buy an air compressor to continue with our basement project, and that good old husband of mine has had the foresight to base our purchase on my future studio needs. How big a compressor is a good size for running a spray gun? Thanks in advance for your input. You have no idea how excited I am to be in charge of the specs for a major tool purchase!


June Perry said…
Most glazes are sprayed in the 30-40 psi pressure range. Usually one of those very small, hobby type compressors will do fine for glaze spraying.

Hi - hope that I am not too late with this. If you want to use a HVLP spray gun - and I highly recommend that type - you will need not only the psi at 30 - 40, but air production around 6 cubic feet/minute at that psi. Unfortunately our guild bought a small compressor and it is fine for the Crittor spray gun, but for the good HVLP guns. It does not work as it produces only 3.7 cubic feet/minute. It will say on the compressor how much it produces and the spray guns will also give a rating on how much cubic feet it requires - so you need a match.