Da Glucken Got Da Gig!

Lisa Glucken got the residency at the Energy Xchange! We are all so proud of you Lisa!

As Lisa would say: "yowza bowza boo!"


Chetu said…
nice job
if you find time kindly go through my blog
klineola said…
I'm so happy for Lisa! She will be a great addition to the "energy" up at the Xchange!
June Perry said…
Way to go Lisa!

Lisa, alone, has enough energy and enthusiasm to power up the Energy Exchange! She's be a great addition!

Clay Club said…
Yay Lisa!
Got git 'em tiger!
John Britt said…
She is a human generator! Oh, I mean a human that generates energy. Uhhh, I mean a youza bouza boo!
yay! Lisa!!!!! I'm so proud of you! that is so awesome!!!!!!!!!
Lindsay Rogers said…
Hold on to your hats! Looking forward to our new studiomate! :)