December Clay Club

Yo Clubbers,

We are planning the December Clay Club for Wednesday December 8th, 2010 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at Odyssey Center in Asheville.   It should be another great one.

We are planning to have a pot luck with emphasis on dessert. Everyone will vote on the best dessert and the winner will get a prize. (probably something shitty but that is all we can afford in these economic times. Besides potter's know that what really matters is gaining the satisfaction of doing what you love, so share the love, pass the dessert!)

We will also have a voluntary cup/mug/object exchange. So bring an extra mug/cup/ object.

And for the Main Program we will have demonstrators present a 5 minute demo on something they do, for your viewing pleasure.  These are going to be 5 minutes max. so we can video them and post them on the blog. (Demonstrators will include: Kyle Carpenter, Sue Grier, Micah Cain, Alex Matisee, Erin Paradis and many more!)

Don't miss this one with some lame ass excuse that you don't have time to visit your clay friends. Get off your ass, make some dessert and get your priorities straight! :)

I will post the whole line up on Sunday night, or so.

If you need directions let us know (or Google Odyssey Center).

Last Clay Club of the year!

John Britt


Barbara Rogers saidā€¦
Can I come even if I'm not a "paying" member? (Whatever that might mean?) I made a bundt pan just for an occasion like this. Say German Chocolate...

Barb Rogers
John Britt saidā€¦
Sure you can come.

The secret to this society is everyone is accepted and no one pays anything. That is why the meeting suck so bad!