Meagan Chaney's Blog

Don't know if you all have seen Meagan's blog but it is good!  Here is an excerpt:

and the link is :


Low Fire Friday - Slip trailing with white slip

The following was originally posted March 12, 2009. I'm taking this opportunity to edit and update the info for this month's edition of Low Fire Friday
A few years ago I started incorporating clay slip trailing into my work and have been having lots of fun with it. Here's the recipe for you to try.

Pete Pinell's White Slip
40 OM4 
40 Talc 
10 Silica 
10 Nepheline Syenite

+10 Frit 3124
+7 Zircopax

(You can also add a few drops of sodium silicate - a deflocculant that helps reduce viscosity and makes the slip easier to apply with a slip bottle.)

There are a variety of slip trailing bottles out there in many shapes and sizes. You'll want to experiment with a few until you find the style that you enjoy most. Some things to think about 1) the size of the tip opening can have an effect on line thickness it creates 2) how hard is the plastic? You're could be squeezing for awhile, so you want a bottle that's softer and easier to work with. 3) how much slip do you want it to hold?
