Clay Club Wednesday FREE!! March 12--- 6-8:30 p.m.

Yo Clubbers,

We are having the Clay Club this coming Wednesday at my studio from 6 - 8:0 p.m.:

154 Sparks Road

Bakersville, NC 28705

Here is our Clay Club Google Map (thanks to Amy Waller!) Just find John Britt Pottery and then get directions. or call me 828-467-5020

I will provide Carnitas with Spanish rice, bring whatever you want.

We have 6 -7 demonstrators:

Amy Waller - Egyptian faience

Shane Mickey - pitcher and pitcher handle

Will Baker- squared off vase

Lee Wolfe - Simple press molded bowls

Michael Rutkowsky - Slip decorating

Pat Nevin - Maybe??- small lidded jar

and John Britt - miniature teapot (if we have time)

Remember it is all FREE!! You just have to show up!!


Anonymous saidā€¦
Looking forward to it!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Looking forward to it!