Toe River Arts Council studio tour meeting and new membership fees
The post-studio tour meeting is this Wednesday - here’s the info from TRAC:
We have scheduled a post tour meeting for Wednesday, August 16th from 6 to 7 pm at the Arts Resource Center in Spruce Pine. We will be presenting the results from the June Tour survey, and introducing our new tour chair, Liz Summerfield.
Please try to attend. Light refreshments.
And if you haven’t seen it yet, TRAC is changing their membership fee structure. Dues for artists who want to participate in studio tours will go from $35 a year to $100 a year. (There are some other additional benefits, too.) Going forward, all memberships will run from August-August, rather than on a rolling basis as they have been. There is a $50 discount for the first year of the new fees, and, if you’ve already paid for a membership in 2017, there is also a pro-rated discount. Here's the letter I received about these changes and the new membership form (pdf versions here:
There is also some information on the TRAC website at
If you’re considering whether to participate in the December studio tour, the application deadline is August 30th. It looks like guest artists from outside Mitchell and Yancey counties can still participate if they pay the new $100 membership fee. (It’s unclear whether artists outside this two-county area will be able to benefit from other membership benefits.) It looks like the studio tour fee for artists is unchanged at $100, but the non-volunteer fee has been raised from $20 to $40.