Call for artwork for "Celebrating the Flora of the Smoky Mountains" at the Haywood County Arts Council

Celebrating the Flora of the Smoky Mountains at the Haywood County Arts Council (HCAC) in Waynesville, NC. The exhibit will run from May 7 - 31. Contract is due April 9th. Open to HCAC Artist Members and non-members. Here's the email invitation:

In May, the Haywood County Arts Council will be showcasing our beautiful native wildflowers, flowering shrubs, and trees in a member show entitled “Celebrating the Flora of the Smoky Mountains." The contract is due on Friday, April 9.

We are asking HCAC artist members & non-members to highlight one to three flora subjects in their artwork in the medium of their choice. The plant life must be native to the Smoky Mountain region. The expression of the subject can range from precise botanical illustrations to landscapes. Each plant you choose, however, should be recognizable and should be included in the title of your work.

A list of suggestions of plant life has been added, but artists may come up with their own subject matter. Please research your choice to make sure it is native to this area.

Up to three artworks may be entered. One 32” x 40”, two 16” x  20”, or  three 11” x 14” or smaller. Jewelers and potters may provide up to three pieces, but we may not be able to display all pottery at one time. Three-dimensional sculpture may include one floor piece or pedestal piece.

Please join us in welcoming back our native flora this spring in Waynesville, Gateway to the Smoky Mountains National Park, with this special show.

The Gallery Committee
Haywood County Arts Council    

Smoky Mountain Flora
Dwarf Iris
Wild Phlox
Common Violet
Wild Strawberry
Jack-in-the Pulpit
Dutchman’s Pipe
Showy Orchis
Star Grass
Wild Ginger
Lady’s slipper
Bleeding Heart
Mountain Laurel
Goat’s Rue
Blue-eyed Grass
Tulip Tree
Wood Sorrel
Flame Azalea
Butterfly Weed
Indian paintbrush
Trumpet Honeysuckle
Wild Potato Vine
Ox Eye Daisy
Cardinal Flower
Spider Wort
Pink Turtlehead
Black-eyed Susan
Turk’s-cap Lily
Obedient Plant
Red Maple
Fraser Magnolia

Try out our new online contract! Flora of Smoky Mountains ONLINE Contract Link: (scroll down for the Flora of Smoky Mountains contract)
