5th World Ceramic Biennale
Two Local Potters invited to speak at International Ceramic Symposium in South Korea
Local potters John Britt and Jon Ellenbogen have been invited to speak at the International Ceramic Symposium held in Icheon, South Korea from April 25-April 26, 2009. This symposium is part of the 5th World Ceramics Biennale held from April 25 to May 24, 2009. Potters and academics from around the world are expected to attend. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Ceramics and Ecology”and focuses on the roles of ceramics in art, architecture, engineering and environmental policy.
Local potters John Britt and Jon Ellenbogen have been invited to speak at the International Ceramic Symposium held in Icheon, South Korea from April 25-April 26, 2009. This symposium is part of the 5th World Ceramics Biennale held from April 25 to May 24, 2009. Potters and academics from around the world are expected to attend. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Ceramics and Ecology”and focuses on the roles of ceramics in art, architecture, engineering and environmental policy.
Potter, author and workshop leader John Britt was approached by the organizers of the symposium who had read one of his recent articles, “Cone 6 Reduction Firing,” which was published in the September 2008 edition of Ceramics Monthly magazine. In this article Britt discussed the ecological implications of high versus midrange firing and offered suggestions about reformulating glazes to achieve a high fire look at lower temperatures. This type of firing reduces fuel usage and saves money. (Visit him at: http://www.johnbrittpottery.com/ )
Jon Ellenbogen will be speaking about the EnergyXchange, one of the nation’s model energy recovery projects. Now in its tenth year of operation, this non-profit initiative, located at the old Mitchell-Yancey landfill site, collects the landfill gases that are the natural byproducts of decomposing solid waste and repurposes them for use to heat greenhouses and to power a glass and a clay studio.The project serves as a small business incubator for six resident artists in clay and glass, as well as a training program for interns in horticulture and greenhouse management. (Visit EnergyXchange at http://www.energyxchange.org/ or Jon Ellenbogen at http://www.penlandpottery.com/ )
“Both Jon and I are honored to speak at the International Ceramic Symposium and look forward to learning what others around the world are doing to reduce the environmental impact of individual potters and the ceramics industry,” said John Britt.
John Britt
And to add
"Britt's glazes were the topic of much discussion at the regional Fired Works event in Macon, Georgia where 58 potters joined to offer their wares, with a portion of proceeds to benefit arts in education in Bibb County schools."