Pho in Hickory

On the way home we stopped at the best pho place ever! I mean that!

If you are in the area of Hickory check it out. Exit 127 or so off 40 in North Carolina.

Saigon Garden
614 Conover Blvd W
Conover, NC 28613-2922
(828) 465-3663 Get directions

John Britt


Anonymous said…
that's just another reason to go visit north carolina. pho is my favorite and although there's places here to get it, i'm always on the lookout. just got back from florida a week or so ago and came back through the apalachicola national forest and there were those cool long needle pines all along the road there as well (previous post), i had never seen them before.
John Britt said…

They are very cool. I will see what kinda handles I can figure out,
