Looking for a cone 6 reduction White

This is a cone 10 MgO White that I love, but I'd like to find a cone 6 white that might give me similar results. This is the cone 10 recipe:
MgO White Satin
F4 40
Whiting 8
Talc 16
Dolomite 14
EPK 22
Silica 5
Tin Oxide 4
Zircopax 8
Bentonite 2
I've tested this in cone 6 and it doesn't work. Is it worth trying to change this to a cone 6 (Val Cushing's handbook has a small section on this), or does anyone have a nice cone 6 White for reduction?
First of all that recipe has both zircopax 8% and tin 4 % which may be excessive.
Also it has 22% EPK and then 2 bentoite. You probably don't need the bentonite for suspension as there is plenty of clay.
I would just try some new recipes:
Buttery Rust Cone 6
41.0 Nepheline Syenite
20.0 Silica
7.0 Dolomite
5.0 EPK
15.0 Gerstley Borate
15 Talc
10.0 Tin Oxide
I would try this and leave out the tin and see if you like it and then go from there.
Let me know if you need more,
Calcium Satin at Cone 6 - L&V series
39.00 Custer Feldspar
13.20 EPKaolin
20.20 Whiting
27.60 Silica