Chemicals For Sale

Norm Schulman would like to sell the following chemicals at a 50% discount. All materials have been in plastic bags and are in good condition. Call Norm or Gloria at 828-765-6539.
1 bag Foundry Hill $7.50
4 bags tile 6 $40.00
1 bag avery $20.00
11 bags Kaopaque 20 $85.00
1 bag Olkamolgie(sp) ?
130 pounds Neph Sy $55.00
2 bags whiting $18.00
1 bag Grolleg $25.00
25 pounds pyrotrol $9.00
20 pounds petalite $15.00
10 pounds talc $2.00
4 pounds frit 3124 $4.00
40 pounds gerstley borate $21.00
30 pounds zinc oxide $75.00
60 pounds old Spodumene $40.00
300 pounds silica $45.00
miscellaneous dried mixed clay in bags ?


June Perry saidā€¦
I'd like the spodumene and Avery. Tell me how to make contact and pickup. Thanks!
June Perry
June Perry saidā€¦
PS: TOm, it's Ocmulgee (not sure if it's one of two e's.
John Britt saidā€¦
I contacted Gloria about the Avery this morning. She is getting back to me.