Khnemu Studio- Solar powered Kilns
Oh and they have solar panels which power the electric kilns! Fantastic. Talk about Green Ceramics. They got about 100 Kw while I was there. Check out the details on the link below:
The picture of the kiln in his post is my gas kiln. Great photo but it is fueled by propane. I fire this kiln to cone 6 reduction
The solar array produced over 100 kWh every day that John was at the studio. In total over 500 while he was visiting.
The picture of the kiln in his post is my gas kiln. Great photo but it is fueled by propane. I fire this kiln to cone 6 reduction. The solar array fires my Bailey Thermo Logic front loader and the other small kilns, plus all the other equipment and gallery lights.
The picture of the kiln in his post is my gas kiln. Great photo but it is fueled by propane. I fire this kiln to cone 6 reduction
I use the solar energy to fire a Bailey Thermo Logic front loader and other smaller kilns. And it fuels all my gallery and studio lights and the rest of the equipment.