Flowers and Bees

Black Jackets, and Yellow Jackets on Angelica


Linda Starr saidā€¦
look like good news bees
jaime saidā€¦
John, Are those your bees? What kind are they...I've never seen that type.
John Britt saidā€¦

Definitely not my bees. I have honey bees. Those are wild on Roan Mountain at 6,000 ft. I can't google up here but probably some kind of wild bee or yellow jacket??
Jenn Hoolihan saidā€¦
Those are yellow jackets, great pollinators.
John Britt saidā€¦
Thought that there were Yellow Jackets and Black Jackets:
Maggie saidā€¦
Black jackets ...meaner than yellow.
John Britt saidā€¦
Reminds me of the book "The Outsiders"!
Wolfsong Ceramics saidā€¦
Black Jackets on Angelica...don't forget the flower. One of our prettiest among many.
John Britt saidā€¦
What is the flower??
John Britt saidā€¦
Nevermind...I see- Angelica