Membership applications open for Squeaky Wheel Potters Studio in Asheville

Squeaky Wheel Potters Studio provides an open, creative environment for experienced, non-professional clay artists. Its goals are to promote excellence in the work of clay artists, provide educational opportunities for artists, provide a gallery and sales space for artists’ works, and encourage the public’s appreciation and understanding of the ceramic arts. Squeaky Wheel Potters Studio serves its members by providing an affordable creative environment with unlimited hours, access to glazes and equipment and regular kiln firings. The facilities and organization are designed to allow artists to work in a collaborative, collegial environment that encourages individual expression and artistic growth.

If you are interested in applying for a membership in the Squeaky Wheel Pottery Studio, please complete the application and send via email or mail to the studio. The address for Squeaky Wheel is 1 Robert Street, Asheville, NC 28806. Our email address is

Download the application here:
