Tile Installation by Kathy Triplett

A new outdoor amphitheatre and park are almost complete in front of the Buncombe County Courthouse. Over 400 ceramic tiles make up the custom installation by Kathy Triplett. It's been very exciting to help Kathy in the installation process over the past week. Grout, anyone?


Joy Tanner said…
I used to assist Kathy a couple of years ago helping her make those tiles, along with going with her to local middle schools to make nature tiles with the kids. Those tiles of the native plants are also supposed to be installed on the frieze, are they up yet? I'm excited to see this project complete, it's been going on for a while! Such a neat commission! Say hi to Kathy for me!
Joy Tanner said…
looking closer I see the tiles the middle school kids made, the bright blue small square tiles, each decorated with a native plant....can't wait to get to asheville to see!
Clay Club said…
Yeah, it's been awesome and i've gotten a great tan from working outside. I'll post a close up of the kids tile.