Tony Clennell Missa 2009

When I was up at Metchosin, Tony Clennell, was teaching in the studio below and had some really great pots and handles he was demonstrating. The surfaces are really textured and activated/gestural. They were really fun to watch him construct.

He also has a video called "Put a Handle on it" and "Taking the Macho out of Big Work" (or something like that.)

You can just Google it. They are also on the Ceramics Daily site with short clips to entice you.

Anyway, they were inspiring.

Thanks Tony,

John Britt


Marian Parkes said…
Both of those videos are available from Smartflix, I think.
Kari Weaver said…
I'm looking for new ways to make handles. I'll look these up.
Marian Parkes said…
Kari, I've seen his handles video. It's worth it. Like John says, clips are available at CAD.

Take care,

You're welcome, John.