Wake Up Call

Woke up to this guy pecking at the studio door.
He must have been seeing his reflection in the window and started attacking it.
He may need some counseling because then he would be able accept his ugliness and see himself in a more compassionate way and stop beating himself up!
He must have been seeing his reflection in the window and started attacking it.
He may need some counseling because then he would be able accept his ugliness and see himself in a more compassionate way and stop beating himself up!
(Invoice: $100.00
Benefits; Priceless )
John Britt
Benefits; Priceless )
John Britt
are ya sleepin at the studio these days??
Did you know, the guy at the Gateway Market told me, that they sell 70 tons of deer corn at that one store!
Somebody is getting used to corn!
We did just get back to the house yesterday.