
Got a few shots of some birds this past week and will post more as inspiration for Kline and Kyle.

John Britt


Dennis Allen said…
Like they need inspiration!
June Perry said…
When I was a little girl, birds (one kind, one angle),was the only thing I could draw; and badly I might add. Now I just draw leaves; but I'm looking for inspiration. Thanks John! :-)
I need to dig out my "Zen board" and practice water drawing birds.
John Britt said…
They do need inspiration. All they ever draw is black birds.
Aaron Sober said…
Night Heron and Common Yellowthroat? This is easier than brown pots at the back of the dishwasher!
Kyle Carpenter said…
easy. i'm on vacation. did i mention some of those test tiles look like crunchable geen bird shit?
John Britt said…
Like Aaron ever did dishes!
John Britt said…
Kyle, I can give the bird shit recipe if you like?
We are overrun with Heckel and Jekyll--crows, blackbirds, all very pretty and shiny and sooo agressive. They know no fear. They are gorgeous.