Haynes Glaze cone 10

Haynes with Rutile
Nepheline Syenite 45
Silica 30
Whiting 8
Dolomite 10
Talc 7
Rutile 5


John Britt said…
Careful Kyle....it is a glaze!
Kyle Carpenter said…
i didn't say i would ever use it. do we really need to melt the surface of our pots?
John Britt said…
Melted surfaces..Makes me hungry for chocolate!
buddyken said…
Is this aan oxidation or reductrion glaze ?
buddyken said…
Is this aan oxidation or reductrion glaze ?
John Britt said…
Think that was reduction and a hot cone 10.
Unknown said…
Can I fire to cone 9? What can I add for cone 9? Borax etc. and in what proportion?

Frieda said…
Looking for a glaze like this in cone 6, transparent.
Any suggestions of how I could change recipe to test for Cone 6.