Help Fill the Kiln
Hey Clubbers,
We're planning on lighting a fire in the new wood kiln at the EnergyXchange in a few weeks, and we're not sure if there are enough pots to fill it.
Now is your chance to *donate* a few pots to this maiden voyage, and maybe get a few of your pots fired in a wood/soda kiln.
If you're coming to the monthly Clay Club meeting at Michael Kline's studio on July 7th, that would be a great time to bring 'em. We ask that you make sure the pots are bisque fired, cone 10 clay, and that they be glazed and ready to go. Don't worry about wadding, we will handle that on loading day. If you can tell us what clay it is, and what slip or glazes are on it, that would be even better.
Look for Joy Tanner or Will Baker at Clay Club next week to hand off your box of pots, or if you cannot make it then and wish to send a pot or two, contact us to make arrangements or just stop by the EnergyXchange one day and leave us your pots.
We are planning to load and fire around the 15th of July, so stay tuned for more details.
*we cannot gaurantee that your pots will make it in, but if you don't bring 'em you'll never know.
** we also cannot gaurantee that your pots will come out looking good, as this is a first firing of new kiln. if you don't know what this implies, ask a friend about the first firing of their kiln.