Google map for Clay Club

Amy Waller sent me this map:

Any way to do that for Clay Club?  Can anyone tell me??

Trac needs one of these.

And I finally got my Google Place map up.,Spruce+Pine,+NC&ei=kujJUsTOB4_s2AXXzIGAAw&ved=0CGEQtwM


Amy Waller said…
I looked into how to do this a little while back - it seemed a little confusing, but I think that may have had more to do with the changes Google keeps making than the actual process. I would be willing to work on this, and would welcome collaborating on it with any other willing Clay Clubbers - especially any who have experience making custom Google maps. Anybody up for this?
Amy Waller said…
So I figured out a little about this. Google came out with a new custom map creation tool in December; it has a lot of bells and whistles the previous version doesn't have, but apparently you can't (or at least I couldn't figure out how to) get directions with the new maps. Seems to me that's kind of the whole point, so I went back to the "classic" google maps and came up with this - very preliminary, with just a few studios to get an idea of what it might look like.

Clay Club studios map (you may need to cut and paste this link):

If anybody knows more about this or has any other thoughts, let me know.