Ceramic Job in Yellow Springs Ohio
John Bryan Community Pottery is seeking applicants for a part-time Studio Director position.
The Director must have strong communication skills and the ability to organize and energize people in a cooperative environment. Computer literacy, effective financial and management ability are required. Experience in business as well as ceramics/pottery is valued. Kiln construction, firing techniques, and glaze formulation are some aspects of the studio the director is expected to facilitate. An average of 15-20 hours per week including some regular “office hours” is expected. Pay commensurate with studio’s annual income. The ability to mobilize and incorporate the help of staff, renters, friends of JBCP, and Board of Directors is integral to this position.
See all duties at:
Send resume with cover letter by
May 15, 2014 to:
100 Dayton St
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Or email jbcppositions@gmail.com