Workshop with Linda McFarling 2014 - Shakerag

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Many people are under the impression that Linda is deceased because they haven't seen her in  while but ....that is not true. Linda is alive and well - for now anyway- so sign up for her workshop. You don't want to miss out on experiencing Linda McFarling's being. She is a wonderful teacher and potter and and ok so so. But you will learn a lot from her personal instruction  on FORM and SURFACE!!!

Pots with Sass!
at Shakerag Workshops in  Sewanee, Tennessee 
Session One: June 8 - 14, 2014
Course Description
In this fun packed week we will explore various techniques that will enhance and add a little sassiness to your work. Techniques to be covered include faceting, fluting, darting, and much more. Come with a playful attitude and willingness to take chances. Bisque firing only.

Skill Level
Some basic throwing skills required.

or contact :
Claire Reishman
c/o Shakerag Workshops
290 Quintard Road
Sewanee, TN 37375
931-598-5651 x3165

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