Pottery wheels for sale in Franklin, NC

Cowee Pottery School in Franklin has wheels for sale. Here's the info from Maria Greene:

Cowee Pottery School (CPS) has four old, working pottery wheels for sale "as is" for $100 a piece. We have two Shimpo's, one Skutt, and one Amaco.

If you are interested in buying one, please email me, Maria Greene at magreene@frontier.com or call my cell (770) 668-6366.

I will be at the CPS studios this Saturday morning, April 2nd beginning at 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Also Hank will be at the studio on Sunday afternoon, April 2nd from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Please share this email with others who may be interested in buying a good used pottery wheel. Buyer must arrange for pickup & delivery.
