Kazegama wood ash firing invitation details

We wanted to re-up the invitation to all clay clubbers to participate in the Kazegama wood ash firing that will be happening on May 9th during the evening of the Clay Olympics at The Village Potters and add the important detail that this firing is for Cone 10 clay.

(Check out this blog post to see the results of a 2017 firing of The Village Potters' Kazegama kiln: http://ncclayclub.blogspot.com/2017/03/march-clay-club-recap-kazegama-kiln.html)

Here’s the original invitation:

Kazegama wood ash firing: Clay Clubbers are invited to participate in the Kazegama wood ash firing that will be going on during the evening of the Clay Olympics. Here are the details: 1-2 pots each (not guaranteed to get both in, though), no more than 8 inches in any direction, liner glazes only, and raw clay or bisque-fired slip only on the outside. Pots need to be delivered to The Village Potters by May 1 (they can be dropped off in the gallery). Contact Lori (lori@thevillagepotters.com) for more info.
