Recap: April Clay Club at Cat Jarosz’s studio

Thanks to Cat Jarosz for hosting us for Clay Club! Cat and her husband John made a big pot of delicious chili that was perfect for a chilly Saturday evening - thanks to both of them for that. It was great to get to see Cat's studio and other work spaces, including her “office” (aka dining table), glaze room and photography studio. Her gallery spaces are sweet.

Cat gave us a comprehensive handle demo - she told us she loves making handles and it really shows. Some of her tools for making handles include patterned rolling pins and extruder dies, including using two dies together to create different forms. She showed us how to use the angles of the piece you’re attaching the handle to for figuring out where to place the handle - but she said that this system didn’t always work: everybody has their own preferences about handles and rules don’t always work. She uses magic water to attach handles. She also showed us how she uses a propane torch to speed drying.

Cat is located in Leicester, not far at all from Asheville, and easy to get to from I-26. Her house and studio are truly lovely. She’ll be on the Come to Leicester Studio Tour in August which would be a great time to visit.

Thanks again to Cat for hosting and demonstrating, and to everyone who came!
