Dig In! Empty Bowls Dinner this Friday in Burnsville

From the Dig In! website:

Join us for the 6th annual Dig In! Empty Bowls Dinner on September 30, 2016 from 4:30 – 7:30pm at Higgins Memorial United Methodist Church in Burnsville, NC. Proceeds raised benefit Dig In!’s work to grow and give vegetables so that everyone eats in Yancey County.

Join your family and neighbors for a meal that celebrates our community’s ability to feed each other so that everyone eats. Tickets can be purchased at the door or the following venues: Appalachian Java, Burnsville Wine And …, Yancey Chamber of Commerce, OOAK Gallery, Pig & Grits, and Reconciliation House.

More here: https://diginyancey.org/2016/08/03/2016-dig-in-empty-bowls/
