Looking for Tracy Dotson Pottery
Here are the details from Mindy Weck:
I have been all over the internet searching for Tracy Dotson & read that he passed away. I am sorry to hear this. I did not know him, but I have enjoyed his beautiful pottery made by himself & Catherine (former spouse?) with fish scale blue glaze. My husband & I received a full set of Dotson dinner ware & serving dishes for our wedding in 2002, and we have been enjoying them ever since. I can’t find anything like it anywhere else. I am wondering if there is more of Tracy’s & Catherine’s fish scale blue glaze pottery out there somewhere. Would you be willing to let me know if you have any leads?
Have a lead? Contact Mindy at
I would love to see pictures of what you have!! I have broken some pieces in the past and would love to replace them.
Please email me with prices also. My email is Hsweeth@icloud.com.
Thank you, Joey I.
I would love to see pictures of what you have!! I have broken some pieces in the past and would love to replace them.
Please email me with prices also. My email is Hsweeth@icloud.com.
Thank you, Joey I.