Pottery wheel and kilns for sale in Sylva, North Carolina
3/22/18 update: some of these items have been sold. The potters wheel and Paragon kiln are still available.
Bernie Velluti has the following items for sale:
On the first page are the working pieces that have been in use until recently. The Jewelry/test kiln has 3 or 4 shelves that fit it that I will include with it. The wheel also has a lever to control the speed of the wheel as well as a foot pedal. (Click on the flyer to enlarge it or download a pdf here: https://goo.gl/EVbcT5)
On the second page are pictures of 2 different kilns that have been in my storage unit for a couple of years, they both need to be reworked. I tested the continuity on the elements on the larger kiln and it measured consistent resistance. I’m sure if someone wants to rebuild them they would want to replace the old elements with new ones. Which are listed in as well. These units belonged to my girlfriend and I think she intended to have them rebuilt but found her main work on smaller items. (Click on the flyer to enlarge it or download a pdf here: https://goo.gl/gdusdC)
I really would like to see these go to someone or place who can find a use for them either to rebuild or convert to gas or Raku firing. If they were to buy the new elements I’d give them the kilns. Would like to hear any ideas on what to do with the equipment or where to find a home for them.
Contact Bernie at bernievelluti@msn.com or 828-508-9958.