Pottery/ceramics books for sale

Ned Guttman has books for sale:

Below is a list with prices (Asheville pickup or plus cheapest postage). Almost all are like new, some are a little more worn but still very good. My email addy and phone number are at the bottom.

Pottery Form - Daniel Rhodes paperback (2 copies) $10 each

The Potter's Eye - Hewitt and Sweezy $30

Functional Pottery - Robin Hopper 2nd ed. $40

Copper red Glazes - Tichane $12

Ceramic Glazes - Parmelee 3rd ed. hardback $55

Glazing Techniques - Chavarria $7

Penland Book of Ceramics $20

Penland Book of Ceramics - withdrawn from library - $15

Wheel thrown Pottery - van Gilder $8

Soda Glazing - Tudball $20

The Practical Potter - Warshaw $10

Ceramic Formulas: The Complete Compendium - Conrad $25

Electric Kiln Pottery - Cooper hardback $15

The Potter's Palette - Constant and Ogden $18

Wheel thrown ceramics - Davis $6

Thrown Pottery Techniques Revealed - Chappelhow hardcover $18

A Potter's Workbook - Illian $18

Ceramics A Potter's Handbook - Nelson $13

The Craft and Art of Clay - Peterson $8

Pioneer Pottery - Cardew hardback $100

Kitchen Ceramics - Slesin et al. hardback $20

Pottery Decoration - Shafer hardback $5

Creative Pottery - Coakes $15

Getting Into Pots - Wettlaufer $8

Ned Guttman
