Can I Come and See Your Kiln Site?

I am drawing up plans for moving my kilns (electric bisque and downdraft Bailey) outside and would like to see how some others are set up. Specifically, the kilns need to be on a concrete slab and require electricity. Anyone up here in the Northern Territories or even Asheville have a set up I could come and see?


John Britt saidā€¦
You can always see mine.
John Britt saidā€¦
Tom Turner has a fireproof kiln shed is available for inspection, just call 828-689-9430
tom turner
381 turner lane 717
mars hill, n.c. 28754
Steve White saidā€¦
Check the county building codes for the thickness of the slab. See whether your bisque kiln is a 208 or 240 type and that it conforms to what will be in the new location. If you put fluorescent lighting in the new kiln shed, get the receptacles or bulbs that conform with 0 degrees F, or they may not turn on right away in freezing weather when the switch if flipped. There are times when I wad my pots and load(taking all day), turn on two portable baseboard heaters and it blows the circuit(which is combined with the lights). Have enough amps to do the things you will anticipate.