Clay Club at the Exchange!

September 8th Clay Club meeting at the Energy Xchange!

Come visit with our 5 fabulous clay residents:

Lisa Gluckin, Micah Cain, Will Baker, Joy Tanner and new resident Teresa Pietsch

We can tour the clay and glass studios, the new kiln, meet the new residents and enjoy a potluck dinner complete with a mountain view. It's pretty nice up here in the evening!

Please bring a dish to share along with your own beverages.

Wednesday, September 8
6- 8 pm
Energy Xchange
66 Energy XChange Drive
Burnsville, NC

from Burnsville 19E, to 80N 2 miles; left onto Landfill Rd; go through gate to top, stay right at split; park in front of red studio buildings

Check our website for more information about us

If you have questions please contact joy-at-joytannerpottery-dot-com


Hope to see you here!


I can't believe you are doing this and I can't come. Unfortunately it falls on Rosh Hashanah and I will be otherwise occupied. Have a great time.
John Britt saidā€¦

Maybe next time. Second Wednesday of the month...October, November, December still left.