Snowflake Crackle

Here is a picture of a Snow Flake Crackle tea bowl.  Found it during a class at MISSA when a student (I think it was Nan Goodship)  ran a progression test.  It is reproducible!


June Perry saidā€¦
Doesn't that glaze have 90 something percent spar? I'd love to see a test with about 1-2% copper carb.
typeDvorak saidā€¦
There's a glaze we have at school and in the 'High Fire' book called ice trap that does crazing like this this when applied thick. Beautiful
Marian Parkes saidā€¦
I'm assuming some sort of recipe will be forthcoming, right?

June, I agree about the copper test.
Glenn Woods saidā€¦
About 3 years ago I found a crackle glaze like this - it was called Cracked Ice and had more of a geometric pattern - squares upon squares, it was amazing. It did have to be applied thickly and responded well to very small amounts of cobalt carb and copper carb. Have lost the recipe and would love to reconnect with a similar glaze. Nice Job!!
John Britt saidā€¦
Ice Trap cone 10

33.3 Custer Feldspar
33.3 G-200 Feldspar
14.3 Whiting
14.3 Silica
4.8 Soda Ash

0.5 Red iron
June Perry saidā€¦
Here are two more recipes I found on the Internet. These probably do best with a thickish application and slow cool to allow crystal development.

#10505 Snowflake Crackle Cone 10

83 Potspar
9 Whiting
8 Silica
For white can add 10% Zircopax

#10507 Snowflake crackle Cone 9

80 Potspar
10 whiting
10 Silica

#10506 Paul's Chun (can crackle if thick and slow cooled)

80 Potspar
7 Whiting
7 Flint
4 Soft wood ash
2 bone ash
Add: 1% Yellow ochre
John Britt saidā€¦
Thanks June!

Another thing that affects this type of glaze a lot is the COE of the clay body! So that means try various clay bodies, coarse - fine and try various temperatures.
Togeika saidā€¦
Hey! I named Paul's Chun. I got it from Paul Morse at the UofMN in 1990.