Clay Club at East Fork Pottery Feb. 16th

I just wanted to officially invite everyone out here to eastern Madison County this Wednesday for clay club at my place! I am going to pretend it is summertime and fire up the old pig cooker and bbq a few chickens. Aim to arrive around 6 and we will do a quick tour of the work shop and kiln and then go down to the house to eat and drink and be merry.
- If there is interest I would love to do a short coil and throw demo. I will be making big pots this week and so there will probably already be a pot on the wheel. But only if there is interest.
- If people want to bring side dishes and/or beverages that would be fantastic. I will have some beer and wine on hand but it has never hurt to have more of either.
- A last note would be to bring shoes you don't mind getting muddy. The workshop is still a bit of a construction site and if the weather is rainy or warm there will be mud. If you are lucky I might make a few more walk boards to avoid that "old mountain black dirt".
It is a quick 35 minutes from Asheville.

Directions are as follows:
- From Asheville head out of town on 26 towards Johnson City.
- Take Exit 11 and turn left.
- Head through Mars Hill and stay on 213.
- Once out of town continue about 3 more miles and at the bottom of a large hill take a sharp right onto Bone Camp
- Follow Bone Camp another mile or two, over and down a large mountain, until it goes over a small bridge and dead ends into East Fork Rd.
- Turn Right onto East Fork.
- Take your next right onto Ras Grooms Rd and follow until the pavement ends at my mailbox. My driveway is on the right and there is a small white farmhouse with red trim.

Hope to see you all there! Give a call if you get lost or have and questions 978.660.8032
All the best,
Sorry we won't be able to make your Clay Club gathering. We're still in CA, enjoying warm temps, blue skies, and mixed up family members--some of them. hp & mm
Thanks Erin Campbell