Turner at Turner's

I am conducting a two day Demo Workshop here at my studio, school, and museum on June 25th and 26th, 2011.We will study pots in the museum and I will throw on Saturday and trim and decorate on Sunday and answer questions both days pertinent to the participants. Saturday evening we will have a BBQ here and I will raffle off a new Shimpo Aspire Wheel, compliments of Shimpo Ceramics, and each student will get a porcelain sample, compliments of Standard Ceramics Supply. Workshop is limited to 15 students and early registration is encouraged. More information is at www.tomturnerporcelain.com, click on Turner at Turner's. email at tt@tomturnerporcelain.com, or call 828-689-9430. Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested. thank you.


JoAnn F. Axford saidā€¦
I'm checking my calendar!
tturner saidā€¦
It will be fun, hope you can make it. tom