Tea Time Series I
Opens Saturday February 26 with a recpetion 3:30-5:30
at the North Carolina Pottery Center in Seagrove, NC.
The participants are: Stanley Mace Anderson, Jen Birline, Cynthia Bringle, John Britt, Chad Brown, Benjamin Burns, Bonnie Burns, Patti Connor-Greene, Adrienne Dellinger, Claudia Dunaway, Debbie Englund, Susan Farrar Parrish, Susan Feagin, Dottie Fennell, Susan Filley, Becca Floyd, John Garland, Amy Gelber, Matt Gibson, Deborah Harris, Samantha Henneke, Bruce Gholson, Mark Hewitt, Mark Heywood, Meredith Heywood, Matt Jones, Robin Bryant Kirby, Michael Kline, Bruce Latham, Janice Latham, Suze Lindsay, Andrew Linton, Molly Lithgo, Laurey-Faye Long, Chris Luther, Debb McDaniel, John Mellage, Alexa Modderno, Richard Montgomery, Lyn Morrow, Margie Nancy, Kelly O’Briant, Lara O’Keefe, Julie Olson, Sandra O’Quinn, Glenn McNeill, Ben Owen, Marsha Owen, Pam Owens, Marilyn Palsha, Mary Paul, Doris Petersham, Ronan Kyle Peterson, Jeff Potts, Linda Potts, Hal Pugh, Eleanor Pugh, Emily Reason, Sarah Wells Rolland, Michael Rutkowsky, Ken Sedberry, Jenny Lou Sherburne, Hitomi Shibata, Gay Smith, Jennifer Stas, Hiroshi Sueyoshi, Charles Tefft, Charles Tostoe, Kathy Triplett, Brad Tucker, Tim Turner, Conrad Weiser, Betsy Vaden, Jared Zehmer.