Part-Time Assistant Needed

I'm looking for a part time assistant to help in my new studio on the River Arts District, one morning a week and additional hours for craft fairs.  The position pays $50 a week, the same for craft fairs.  Preparing clay, loading kiln, cleaning shelves, helping with set up and breakdown at shows. Please contact me at if you know someone who might be interested,  Thanks.


Anonymous saidā€¦
how many hours on the one morning a week are you looking for?
Anonymous saidā€¦
How many hours on the one morning are you looking for? Is the show help for the entire day, setting up working booth and breaking down and travel time each way?
I think three hours most days, some less. With the shows, which are sometimes longer than it, it will even out.
Will whoever emailed me about this, please do so again. The message got lost in cyberspace, or I accidentally sent it there.