Clay Club Dec 14, 2011

Had a great time at Clay Club last night. Alex Irvine gave a talk about the wall mural he and Kathy Triplett made and installed at Odyssey in Asheville, NC

Wanted to thank Marian Parkes who organized everything (including the 12 Bones), Brain and Odyssey,and Alex and Kathy!!

It was a great presentation and showed the thought and work involved in this year long project!  Outstanding!

David Voorhees announcing a workshop by Ruthanne Tudball at his studio in February.

Here are some of the cups for the cup exchange.  The only complaint I had with this method (putting them in bags) was that we didn't get to see all the cups. So next time we have to set them out and look at them and then we can bag them. Just missed seeing 40 different cups.


Emily Reason saidā€¦
did you exchange a cup for me?
John Britt saidā€¦
Yes you got a turd.

Kathleen Cooke (sp?) is bringing your.
Maggie saidā€¦
Emily, I got your tumbler.
yes, I wanted to see them all and I don't know who got mine!!
Maggie saidā€¦
Jesse and I really enjoyed Alex's presentation. Good craftsmanship and I am amazed that glaze does meet the acid test!
Sue saidā€¦
thanks for all the work on the food, cup exchange & presentation - great fun.
I felt the same way about the exchange and we apologize. We fixed one problem and created a new one. So, if you photograph your cup and email the photo to me, I will build and album and everyone can let us know whose cup they have. email to This way they will be all in one place and we won't have 40 posts to the blog. If you can do this by Sunday, we can have the album out net week.
Amy Waller saidā€¦
Great Clay Club! Thanks to Odyssey and everybody who helped make it happen. Love my Sue Grier cup!
John Britt saidā€¦

Not your fault, we were just trying a new way. Next time we will do it better. Just another excuse for a cup exchange. I will send the image and post this as an entry.
mikpo saidā€¦
Solution no. 101: Stick numbers on bottoms of cups. Put duplicate nos. on paper scraps in a hat/container. Then draw. Or just throw all the nos. on the table and let potters scramble. Now that would be fun to watch!
John Britt saidā€¦
We did one at Penland Potters and Roan Potters. Numbers in the cups and then draw numbers. Then pick up a cup and call out number. Everyone gets to see it and no one is last.