Spirit of Porcelain workshop THIS SATURDAY
Join us at Clayworks in Charlotte, for

Spirit of Porcelain, with Emily Reason.
an exhibition and sale of Emily's work will take place Friday 6-7:30pm at Clayworks, 4506 Monroe Road
Charlotte, NC 28205
In this one day workshop, Emily Reason shares the techniques and principles she applies to her porcelain pots. As Emily demonstrates throwing and trimming, she’ll discuss the unique working-characteristics of porcelain. As potters, our initial objective is to create forms that are conducive to function. Emily believes that when surface details are given thoughtful consideration of the form and pots are crafted with care, artistic voices are exposed. Emily will explain how she makes decisions about form and surface in her work while demonstrating carving and brush working. As a group we’ll discuss our motivation for making pottery, from inspiration to making a living as a potter. A slide presentation of Emily’s work, influences and recent travel experience in China will also be given.
Emily Reason works as a full time potter in Marshall, NC. She works primarily in high fire porcelain. Emily exhibits her work internationally, teaches workshops around the country and is the author Ceramics for Beginners: Wheel Throwing, Lark Books, 2010.
To register contact Adrienne Dellinger at adellinger@clayworksinc.org
or email at